Ohlasy a vzkazy k článku - Přes Myall Lakes do Sydney Myall Lakes, Sydney Původní myšlenku vstát na východ sluníčka jsme v 5.30 po zazvonění budíku zavrhli a spali jsme dál. Sice jsme neviděli delfíny skotačit ve vlnách, ale těch pár hodin spánku navíc také nebylo k zahozen... článek
Sami na plazi (foto)
26.3.2003 0:27
Ja uz Vas nepoznavam!
15.3.2003 10:42
Salut Katka
I have no idea what I'm doing right now, whether I'm writting to you or not. The Tcheque is a little bit confusing. Anyway, I watched your pictures and I think that you have a real good time. I loved your picture called "Plovouci ptakopysk". I guess you have to know pretty good tcheque or you have to have a very good imagination.
Here, everything is fine, springtime is starting very slowly, but the time comes that I'll get out my bike again to get around in town... My jogging program is stopped. I can't get up my but... and I still don't know whether I will travel to Washington and New York with my nephew at Eastern. We will see!
Have a good time,
Christine Strasbourg